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Nascar: Dirt to Daytona

Master code:
Press Z(2), Up, Down, R(2), Left, Right at the title screen. 

Press Up, Down, Left, Right, Z, Left(2) at the second menu 
screen to collect a bonus $10,000 in career mode. You can 
repeat the code as many times as desired.

Richard Petty:
Win all the challenges to unlock Richard Petty.

Bonus options:
The following bonuses can be unlocked during game play 
by doing well and getting points. 

AI Vengeance:       AI cars retaliate when hit.
Front Wheel Drive:  Car has front wheel drive.
Hardcore Physics:   Hardcore realism.
Horn Ball:          Press Up to shoot a paintball.
Horn Mortar:        Press Up to shoot an explosive mortar.
Insane Racecar:     Press Up to jump.
Mini Cars:          Smaller cars
Monster Cars:       High suspension.
Oh Dear:            One car on track replaced by monstrous-sized crew member. 
Super Draft:        Faster draft speed. 

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