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The Incredibles: Rise of The Underminer

Cheat mode:
Enter one of the following password at the "Secrets" menu to activate
the corresponding cheat function.

Frozone's Super move:
Enter "FROZBOOM" as a password.

Mr. Incredible's Super move:
Enter "MRIBOOM" as a password.

Frozone gets 1,000 experience points:
Enter "FROZPROF" as a password.

Mr. Incredible gets 1,000 experience points:
Enter "MRIPROF" as a password.

Mr. Incredible has everything at max:
Enter "MRIMASTER" as a password.

Frozone has everything at max:
Enter "FROZMASTER" as a password.

Mr. Incredible and Frozone move faster:
Enter "INAHURRY" as a password.

Unlimited energy:
Enter "WHYMUSTWEFIGHT" as a password.

Full gallery unlocked:
Enter "SHOWME" as a password.

Level select:
Enter "LEVELLOCKSMITH" as a password.

Disable HUD:
Enter "HUDBEGONE" as a password.

Harder game:
Enter "THISISTOOEASY" as a password.

Easier game:
Enter "THISISTOOHARD" as a password.

Small heads:
Enter "HEADROOM" as a password.

Big heads:
Enter "EGOPROBLEM" as a password.

View credits:
Enter "ROLLCALL" as a password. 

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