Gamecube (hardware)
Alternate starting sounds:
Hold Z while the Gamecube logo appears to hear new sounds.
Hold Z then about one second later hold A to hear another sound.
Insert four controllers then hold Z on each of them while the
Gamecube logo appears to hear different sounds.
Control starting logo:
Hold A while the cube bounces down to form the "G" logo to spin it.
Set system time and options:
Hold A while powering on the system.
Change screen refresh rate:
Hold B while powering on the system until the message "Would you like
to switch to 50hz mode?" appears. This allows you to switch the screen
refresh to match that of PAL games. If playing on a PAL system, the
message will be "Would you like to switch to 60hz mode?", allowing
the screen refresh to match that of NTSC games.
Use the Game Boy Advance to Gamecube link option without a Game Boy Advance:
This trick requires two Gamecubes, two televisions, and at least one
Game Boy Player. The purpose of this trick is to eliminate the need
for a Game Boy Advance and also use the special function it provides
on a television screen. Attach the Game Boy Advance to Gamecube cable
into the link cable slot in the Game Boy Player (without a game in it)
that is attached to the other Gamecube (on which the game with the
special options is played, such as the Tingle Tuner on
Legend Of Zelda: The Wind Waker) or put in the required game that may
be required for other options (such as the Metroid Prime and
Metroid Fusion hookup).