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Beach Spikers

Virtua Cop costume:
Create a new team in world tour mode. Enter JUSTICE as your 
first player's name to unlock Uniforms 105 and 106; and 
Sunglasses 94. The name will disappear and a sound will 
confirm correct code entry.

Daytona USA costume:
Create a new team in world tour mode. Enter DAYTONA as your 
first player's name to unlock Uniforms 107 and 108. The name 
will disappear and a sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Fighting Vipers costume:
Create a new team in world tour mode. Enter FVIPERS as your 
first player's name to unlock Uniforms 109 and 110; Hair 75; 
and Face 51. The name will disappear and a sound will 
confirm correct code entry.

Space Channel 5 costume:
Create a new team in world tour mode. Enter ARAKATA as your 
first player's name to unlock Uniforms 111, 112, and 113; 
Hair 76; and Face 52. The name will disappear and a sound 
will confirm correct code entry.

Phantasy Star Online 2 costume:
Create a new team in world tour mode. Enter PHANTA2 as your 
first player's name to unlock Uniforms 114 and 115; Hair 77; 
and Face 53. The name will disappear and a sound will confirm 
correct code entry.

Sega costume:
Create a new team in world tour mode. Enter OHTORII as your 
first player's name to unlock Uniforms 116 and 117. The name 
will disappear and a sound will confirm correct code entry. 

Play against Dural team:
Get a overall first place ranking in world tour mode. 

Bonus courts:
Play world tour mode and play a match on the Pringles, 
Holiday Inn, Sega, and Nintendo courts (in order) to unlock 
that same court in arcade mode. To access them, hold R when 
selecting arcade mode at the main menu. 

Performance meter:
Play in world tour mode and hold L + R while the team names 
and round number are announced.

Completion bonuses:
Complete the following tasks to unlock the corresponding bonus.

Task                                    Bonus 
Complete arcade mode as Japan           Uniforms 103 and 104  
Complete arcade mode once               Uniforms 87 and 88  
Complete arcade mode two times          Uniforms 90 and 91  
Complete arcade mode three times        Uniforms 93 and 94  
Complete world tour mode                Uniforms 96 through 102  
Complete world tour mode                Sunglasses 86 through 93  
Complete world tour mode                Hair 71 through 74  
Complete world tour mode in 1st place   Uniforms 89, 92, and 95 
Defeat Dural team                       Face 54 and 55  
Complete all tutorial mode courses      Uniforms 71 through 86  

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