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Code Lyoko

Master code
Go to the 3D game section. Press Start to pause game play, then press Up(2), Down(2), Left, Right, Left, 
Right, B, A, Start. This will unlock all combos, upgrades, maximum money, health refill, and power 

Evil Ulrich
Go to the profile selection screen. Then, hold L + R and press Up, Left, Right, Y, X. 

Web content
Use the following codes on the game's official website at to view videos and concept 
art. The codes are obtained during game play by completing the block puzzles in Hacking mode. 

 Dark Enemies wallpaper: 9L8Q 
 Desert sketch: 6G7T 
 Fight Video (Ulrich, Yumi and Scorpion combined): 4M9P 
 FMV Ending: 5R5K 
 Forest sketch: 8C3X 
 Ice sketch: 2F6U 
 Mountain sketch: 7E5V 
 Overbike video: 3Q4L 
 Overboard video: 8P3M 
 Overwing video: 8N2N 
 Scorpion video: 9H8S 
 Scorpion wallpaper: 3D4W 
 Sector 5 sketch: 5J9R 
 Ulrich fight video: 9A9Z 
 Yumi fight video: 4B2Y 

Try to get the LP upgrade first, then Double Attack, then Double Defense. After that, it is your choice

Defense strategy
When playing as any character with a defense upgrade (besides Aellita), it is easy to face any monster. When 
the monsters appear, hold your shield and watch their attack pattern. When the monster you want to hit is 
going to shoot you, release and press B. When the bullet hits, it will rebound. If the monster does not react, 
you may need to get closer. Continue doing this until all monsters die. Note: This does not work with any Boss.

Defeating the Scorpion
You face the Scorpion three times. It goes Yumi, Odd, then Ulrich. Do about two to three circles of damage 
until the Scorpion runs away. Run away from the Scorpion. When he gets close, get in front of him. Strike 
while he is turning. When you do this, he falls and you can get another few hits on him. When he gets up, run. 
Repeat this until you defeat him with Ulrich. 

Defeating XANA Ulrich
To defeat the Ulrich clone, you must have your sound on. Run around and stay away until you hear the clone 
shout. If you look, he is getting ready for a charge attack. This is the time you should strike. You can get 
five hits in before he attacked. Run around until he shouts again. Repeat this until you win.

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