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Cheat mode:

Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands 
before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 5806,234
POKE 5807,234
POKE 5808,234
SYS 2640 

Unlimited lives:

Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands 
before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 5806,234
POKE 5807,234 


Load or reset the game, then execute the following BASIC commands 
before running or restarting the program. 

POKE 3237,169
POKE 3238,0
POKE 3239,234
POKE 5765,169
POKE 5766,0
POKE 5767,234 

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