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Raiden Fighters 2

Bonus Planes:

Raiden MKII Beta: at title, hold shoot, then start, cursor on
[?], hold down-right, then press Bomb+Start.

Miclus: at title, hold shoot, then start, cursor on [?], hold
rightdown (D/F), then press Bomb+Start

Blue Javelin: at title, hold shoot, then start, cursor on [?],
hold down, then press Bomb+Start.

Fairy: at title, hold shoot, then start, cursor on [?], hold
right down (D/F), then press Bomb.

Slave: at title, hold bomb, then start, cursor on any plane,
then choose the plane.

Agesis-2c: Cursor on agesis4, hold up, and choose it.

Dark Sword: at title, hold shoot, then start, cursor of [?],
then press shoot. 

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