Rampage: World Tour
Fatty Foods:
At the end of the Jumbo Jet ride before the World tour, enter the
following code to triple the value of any health power-up.
For George: Press and Hold Up, then press Jump, Jump, Jump
For Lizzy: Press and Hold Up, then press Punch, Punch, Punch
For Ralph: Press and Hold Up, then press Kick, Kick, Kick
Simultaneously press and hold Jump for George, Punch for Lizzy, and
Kick for Ralph to fill buildings with food items.
Note: This code work on every fourth city in a World Tour, along
with London, Kiev, Casablanca, and Rio.
Play as a Gargoyle:
To turn into the gargoyle get 100,000 points.
This code works in Philadelphia, Carbondale, and Honolulu.
To load the city with all the special powers, press Jump twice with
George, Punch twice with Lizzy, and Kick twice with Ralph.