Gauntlet Legends
Level 55 Wizard
Enter the letters "LBE" and pin # "222" and you will get a level 55 Wizard.
Level 99 Valkyrie
To be a level 99 Valkyrie, put you initials as COP and your PIN as 012
Level 99 Warrior
To play as level 99 warrior just enter the initials JOE and password 123
Play As Valkyrie... Nude!
To play a nude (but censored) Valkyrie, choose Player 2 (the blue joystick)
and enter the initials "NUD" and pin "069". Then pick Valykrie as your character.
Play as Pojo
To play as Pojo the Chicken, choose Player 2 (the Blue joystick) and enter
the initials "EGG" and PIN "911". Then pick Pojo the Chicken as your character.
Punch Thru Walls
If there are Golems on the other side of a wall, walk up to it and hit
FIGHT and you can kill the Golem without getting hurt.
Save your Character
Just enter as your name AAA and as your password 123