Return Fire: Maps Of Death
Unlimited vehicles:
This code must be done separately for each vehicle and must be
repeated if a new map is started. Choose a vehicle from the vehicle
select screen. Press C to display the fuel/ammunition screen. Hold
LS + RS + C, then press X. The "Leave Game" option will be displayed.
Keep those buttons held, then hold Down and press A. Three light
blue shadows of the selected vehicle will appear.
Level Single Player Password
2 Smiley Face, Cup, Bird, Butterfly
3 Heart, Cup, Heart, Cup
4 Umbrella, Rabbit, Bear, Clover
5 Heart, Umbrella, Clover, Cup
6 Bird, Butterfly, Smiley Face, Flower
7 Butterfly, Heart, Smiley Face, Butterfly
8 Clover, Flower, Heart, Cup
9 Smiley Face, Bear, Heart, Cup
Level Two Player Password
2 Bear, Smiley Face, Clover, Bird
3 Flower, Clover, Clover, Flower
4 Heart, Flower, Heart, Bear
5 Cup, Clover, Rabbit, Smiley Face
6 Smiley Face, Umbrella, Heart, Bird
7 Rabbit, Heart, Flower, Umbrella
8 Butterfly, Umbrella, Cup, Smiley Face
9 Butterfly, Bird, Rabbit, Bear