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Arctic Thunder

No drones mode:
Press Square(2), Circle(2), L1, R1, Start at the screen 
after startup (before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races.

Expert mode:
Press Circle, Square, Circle(2), Square, Start at the screen 
after startup (before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races. 

All Randoms mode:
Press R1, R2, Square, Circle, R1, R2, Start at the screen after 
startup (before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races.

All Atomic Snowballs mode:
Press Square(3), L1, Circle, Start at the screen after startup 
(before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races.

All Grappling Hooks and Randoms mode:
Press Circle(2), L2, Circle(2), L1, Start at the screen after 
startup (before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races.

All Rooster Tails mode:
Press R1, R2, L2, L1, Square, Start at the screen after startup 
(before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races.

All Snow Bombs and Randoms mode:
Press Circle(2), R1, R2, Start at the screen after startup 
(before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races.

All Boost mode:
Press Circle, R1(2), Circle, R2, Start at the screen after startup 
(before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races.

Clone mode:
Press L1, L2(2), Circle, L1, Circle, Start at the screen 
after startup (before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races. 

Everyone invisible mode:
Press Square, Circle, Square, R2, Circle(2), Start at the 
screen after startup (before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races.

No power-ups mode:
Press Square(2), Circle, Square, R2, Square, Start at the 
screen after startup (before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races.

Super boost wheelie mode:
Press Circle, L1, Square, R2, Square, L2, Start at the 
screen after startup (before choosing a player). 
Note: This has no effect in points races.

Enter MOO as your initials after a race. 

Win gold medals on all twelve tracks in race to unlock the 
Snowman character. 

All Snowmen Found bonus:
Locate and run over all the snowmen on any given track to 
collect the "All Snowmen Found" bonus; which awards 15,000 
additional points.

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