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Cheat mode:
Start the game with the "+set com_allowconsole 1" command line parameter.
Hold "Ctrl + Alt + ~" during game play to display the console window. Then,
enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect                                              Code
List commands                                       listcmds
Center view                                         centerview
Clear the console                                   clear
Close a portal                                      closeportal
Dump console text to
<game directory>\base\<filename>.txt                condump <filename>
Damage indicated entity                             damage <entity> <number>
Load a map in developer mode                        devmap <map filename>
Exit game                                           exit
Display current map name in console                 getmapname
Teleport to putpos saved location                   getpos
Display current view position                       getviewpos
Spawn indicated item                                give <item name>
Give indicated gun energy for the
Leech Gun                                           giveenergy <railgun
God mode                                            god
Heart beat pulse on health                          healthpulse
Hide all entities of a class or name                hide <entity>
Suicide                                             kill
Remove all monsters                                 killmonsters
Remove all moveables                                killmoveables
Remove all ragdolls                                 killragdolls
Kill targeted object                                killthis
List active game entities                           listactiveentities
List game classes                                   listclasses
List game entities                                  listentities
List entity defs                                    listentitydefs
List all models                                     listmodels
List monsters                                       listmonsters
List spawn arguments of an entity                   listspawnargs <entity>
List system commands                                listsystemcmds
list tool commands                                  listtoolcmds
List type info                                      listtypeinfo
Load indicated map                                  map <map filename>
No clipping mode                                    noclip
Disable the player as a target                      notarget
Open a portal                                       openportal
Display current playtime                            playtime
Possess the player                                  possessplayer
Print extra map keys of targeted object             print
Save location                                       putpos
Quit the game                                       quit
Record the current view position with notes         recordviewnotes
Remove all entities of a class or name              remove <entity>
Set player gravity                                  setplayergravity <x y z>
Set current view position                           setviewpos <x y z #>
show all entities of a class or name                show <entity>
Show any view notes for the current map             showviewnotes
Spawn a game entity                                 spawn <class>
Spawn indicated number of entities                  spawnabunch 
                                                    <class> <number>
Heart beat pulse                                    spiritpulse
Take notes about the current map from
the current view                                    takeviewnotes
Teleport to an entity location                      teleport <entity>
Enter or exit a shuttle with guns                   toggleshuttle
Toggle talon targets                                toggletalontargets
Trigger targeted object                             triggerthis
Unpossess the player                                unpossessplayer
Display current view position                       where

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