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Jagged Alliance 2

Cheat mode:
Hold "Ctrl" and type "g a b b i" at the tactical game screen to enable
cheat mode. Then, enter one of the following codes at the indicated
screen to activate the corresponding cheat function.

Effect                          Screen      Code  
Aborts enemies turn             Tactical    Alt + Enter 
All characters and items are 
visible                         Tactical    Alt + E 
Damage character under pointer  Tactical    Ctrl + H 
Kill all enemies in current 
sector                          Tactical    Alt + O 
Refresh health and energy for 
all characters                  Tactical    Ctrl + U  
Reload selected character's 
gun                             Tactical    Alt + R 
Restore selected character's
AP                              Tactical    Alt + D 
Teleport selected character to
pointer                         Tactical    Alt + T  
Teleport squad to sector under
pointer in travel mode          Map         Ctrl + T  
Kill all enemies in sector      Map         Alt + Auto Resolve 
Additional $100,000             Laptop      Plus 
Decrease money by $10,000       Laptop      Minus 
Merc forces "away" character
to join team                    Laptop      Space + Left Mouse Button  
100 points of damage to all
enemies in sector               Other       Alt + O  
Character sits in wheelchair    Other       Alt + 4 
Character transforms into
monster                         Other       Alt + 5 
Create new character            Other       Alt + G 
Create robot                    Other       Alt + V  
Mustard gas explosion at
pointer                         Other       Alt + K 
Spawn civilian at pointer       Other       Alt + C 
Spawn enemy at pointer          Other       Alt + B 
Spawn item at pointer           Other       Alt + I 

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