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Clive Barker's Undying

Cheat mode:
Press "Tab" then enter one of the following codes at the chat 
window to activate the corresponding cheat function. 

Effect                             Code 
God mode                           eh 
Unlimited health                   satan  
All weapons and spells             addall  
Spawn donkey joke                  assall  
Toggle extra light                 becomelight <0 or 1>  
Set game speed                     slomo <1-5>  
Set health to 999                  set aeons.patrick health 999  
Set mana to 999                    set aeons.patrick mana 999  
Toggle unlimited mana              infinitemana <0 or 1>  
Enemies do not attack              invisible <0 or 1>  
Level select                       start <map name>  
Toggle third person view           behindview <0 or 1>  
Set jump height; default is 250    setjumpz <0-2000>  
Flight mode                        flight  
Increase selected spell's level    ampattspell  
Invisible weapon                   renderweapon  
Show stealth factor                showstealth  
Display event triggers             showall  
Display frame rate                 showfps

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